Title: The spies of Warsaw: a novel
Published: New York: Random House, 2008
Description: 266 p. :ill. ; 25 cm.
- World War, 1939-1945 -- Europe -- Fiction
- French -- Poland -- Fiction
- Warsaw (Poland) -- Fiction
- Europe -- History -- 1918-1945 -- Fiction
- Spy stories
- War stories
- Historical fiction
- The Spies of Warsaw. Publishers Weekly, 4/14/2008, Vol. 255 Issue 15, p35-35
- The Spies of Warsaw. By: Pearce, Jonathan. Library Journal, 4/1/2008, Vol. 133 Issue 6, p75-75
- The Spies of Warsaw. By: Ott, Bill. Booklist, 3/15/2008, Vol. 104 Issue 14, p6
Read: June 24, 2008