Title: The Columbian exchange: biological and cultural consequences of 1492
Published: Westport: Greenwood, 1973
Description: xv, 268 p. :ill. ; 22 cm.
Bibliography: p. 222-260
Note: Foreword by Otto von Mering
- Indians -- Diseases
- Indians -- Agriculture
- Medical geography -- History
- Biogeography
- The Colonial Era. By: Demos, John. American Heritage, Nov/Dec2004, Vol. 55 Issue 6, p24-26
- The Colombian Exchange (Book Review). By: Barry Jr., Edward E.. American Historical Review, Feb75, Vol. 80 Issue 1, p67
- Conceptualizing the Real: Environmental History and American Studies. By: Rothman, Hal. American Quarterly, Sep2002, Vol. 54 Issue 3, p485
Read: June 23, 2008