Title: Justinian’s flea: plague, empire, and the birth of Europe
Published: New York: Viking, 2007
Description: 367 p. :ill. ; 25 cm.
Bibliography: p. 329-349
- Byzantine Empire -- History -- To 527
- Byzantine Empire -- History -- Justinian I, 527-565
- Plague -- History -- To 1500
- Justinian's flea: plague, empire and the birth of Europe. By: Burki, Talha. Lancet Infectious Diseases, Dec2007, Vol. 7 Issue 12, p774-774
- Justinian's Flea: Plague, Empire, and the Birth of Europe.By: Dattwyler, Raymond J.. New England Journal of Medicine, 9/27/2007, Vol. 357 Issue 13, p1354-1355
- A plague-cursed journey. Economist, 6/16/2007, Vol. 383 Issue 8533, p96-96
Read: April 4, 2008