Title: Black glasses like Clark Kent: a GI’s secret from postwar Japan
Published: Saint Paul: Graywolf Press, 2008
Description: 225 p. :ill. ; 22 cm.
Note: Winner of the Graywolf Press Nonfiction Prize selected by Robert Polito
- Japan -- History -- Allied occupation, 1945-1952
- Military police -- Biography
- United States. Army -- Military life
- Nonfiction Chronicle. By: TARA McKELVEY. New York Times Book Review (1/1/1985 to present), 03/30/2008, p22
- Black Glasses like Clark Kent: A GI's Secret from Postwar Japan. By: Haggas, Carol. Booklist, 2/1/2008, Vol. 104 Issue 11, p16
- BLACK GLASSES LIKE CLARK KENT: A GI's Secret From Postwar Japan. Kirkus Reviews, 1/1/2008, Vol. 76 Issue 1, p33-34
Read: April 6, 2008