Title: Sniper one: on scope and under siege with a sniper team in Iraq
Published: New York: St. Martin’s Press, 2008
Description: xxvi, 349 p. :ill. ; 24 cm.
- Iraq War, 2003- -- Personal narratives, British
- Snipers -- Great Britain -- Biography
- Mills, Dan, 1968-
- Keiser, Gordon W. "Sniper One: On Scope and Under Siege with a Sniper Team in Iraq." U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings 135, no. 1 (January 2009): 74
- Alperstein, David. "Sniper One: On Scope and Under Siege with a Sniper Team in Iraq." Library Journal 133, no. 19 (November 15, 2008): 86
- Green, Roland. "Sniper One: On Scope and Under Siege with a Sniper Team in Iraq." Booklist 105, no. 1 (September 2008): 30
Read: May 4, 2009