Uniform Title: Homer’s Odyssey
Title: The odyssey: a dramatic retelling of Homer’s epic
Published: New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2008
Description: vi, 266 p. ; 21 cm.
Note(s): Originally published: London: Faber and Faber, 2006. Previously published as: Homer’s Odyssey
- Odysseus (Greek mythology) -- Fiction
- Penelope (Greek mythology) -- Fiction
- Poseidon (Greek deity) -- Fiction
- Taking Liberties. By: Brett, Mike. New Statesman, 6/19/2006, Vol. 135 Issue 4797, p67-67
- In loose-limbed English. Economist, 5/13/2006, Vol. 379 Issue 8477, p95-95
Read: May 18, 2008