Title: Death in the Sahara: the lords of the desert and the Timbuktu railway expedition massacre
Published: New York: Skyhorse Pub., 2008
Description: xviii, 286 p. :ill. ; 24 cm.
Bibliography: p. 277-278
- Railroads -- Algeria -- History
- Railroads -- Sahara -- History
- Death in the Sahara: The Lords of the Desert and the Timbuktu Railway Expedition Massacre. By: Thorsen, James. Library Journal, 5/15/2008, Vol. 133 Issue 9, p111-111
- Death in the Sahara: The Lords of the Desert and the Timbuktu Railway Expedition Massacre. Publishers Weekly, 3/31/2008, Vol. 255 Issue 13, p50-50
- DEATH IN THE SAHARA: The Lords of the Desert and the Timbuktu Railway Expedition Massacre. Kirkus Reviews, 3/15/2008, Vol. 76 Issue 6, p277-277
Read: June 11, 2008