Title: Salamander: the story of the Mormon forgery murders: with a new afterword
Published: Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1989
Description: xii, 570 p. :ill. ; 28 cm.
- Murderers -- Utah -- Salt Lake City -- Biography
- Murder -- Utah -- Salt Lake City -- Case studies
- Forgery of manuscripts -- Utah -- Salt Lake City -- Case studies
- Mormon Church -- History
- Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints -- History
- Hofmann, Mark
- Limerick, Patricia Nelson. "Salamander: the Story of the Mormon Forgery Murders." The Western Historical Quarterly 20.n2 (May 1989): 217
- Preston, Gregor A. "Salamander: the Story of the Mormon Forgery Murders." Library Journal 113.n13 (August 1988): 170
- Launius, Roger D. "Salamander: The Story of the Mormon Forgery Murders." John Whitmer Historical Association Journal 8 (1988): 79-82
Read: March 7, 2007