Title: The battle: a new history of Waterloo
Published: New York: Walker & Company, 2006
Description: xii, 340 p. :ill. ; 25 cm.
Bibliography: p. 318-324
Note: Translated by John Cullen
- Waterloo, Battle of, Waterloo, Belgium, 1815
- Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815 -- Campaigns -- Belgium
- France -- History, Military -- 1789-1815
- Poremba, David Lee. "Barbero, Alessandro. The Battle: A New History of Waterloo." Library Journal 130.12 (July 1, 2005): 96
- "Barbero, Alessandro: The Battle: A New History of Waterloo." Kirkus Reviews 73.10 (May 15, 2005): 569
- "The Battle: A New History of Waterloo." Publishers Weekly 252.20 (May 16, 2005): 53
Read: February 24, 2007