Title: The unknown Battle of Midway: the destruction of the American torpedo squadrons
Published: New Haven: Yale University Press, 2005
Description: xvii, 181 p. :ill. ; 24 cm.
Bibliography: p. 169-175
- Midway, Battle of, 1942
- Torpedo bombers -- United States -- History -- 20th century
- World War, 1939-1945 -- Aerial operations, American
- Military planning -- United States -- History -- 20th century
- "Midway's terrible toll: despite America's triumph, mistakes doomed nearly an entire navy unit.(HISTORY NOW)(The Unknown Battle of Midway: The Destruction of the American Torpedo Squadrons )." American Heritage 57.1 (Feb-March 2006): 19
- Taylor, Gilbert. "Kernan, Alvin. The Unknown Battle of Midway: The Destruction of the American Torpedo Squadrons.(Brief Article)(Book Review)." Booklist 102.6 (Nov 15, 2005): 17
Read: June 27, 2005