Title: True tales from another Mexico: the Lynch Mob, the Popsicle Kings, Chalino, and the Bronx
Published: Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2001
Description: 336 p. :ill. ; 24 cm.
- Mexico -- Politics and government -- 1988-
- Mexico -- Social conditions -- 1970-
- Mexico -- Social life and customs
- MAYO, C. M. "The Lynch Mob, the Popsicle Kings, Chalino, and the Bronx." The Wilson Quarterly 25.2 (Spring 2001): 122
- Perez-Lopez, Rene. "True Tales from Another Mexico: The Lynch Mob, the Popsicle Kings, Chalino, and the Bronx." Library Journal 126.4 (March 1, 2001): 118
Read: March 2002