Title: The Sandman
Published: New York: DC Comics, 1991-
Description: v. <1-10> :ill. ; 26 cm.
- v. 1. Preludes & nocturnes
- v. 2. The Doll's House
- v. 3. Dream country
- v. 4. Season of mists
- v. 5. A game of you
- v. 6. Fables & reflections
- v. 7. Brief lives
- v. 8. World's end
- v. 9. The Kindly ones
- v. 10. The wake
- Fantasy comic books, strips, etc
- Science fiction comic books, strips, etc
- Graphic novels
- McConnell, Frank. "Sandman." Commonweal 122.n18 (Oct 20, 1995): 21
- Sanders, Joe. "Of storytellers and stories in Gaiman and Vess's "A Midsummer Night's Dream." Extrapolation 45.3 (Fall 2004): 237
- v. 1 (July 2002)
- v. 2-5 (August 2002)
- v. 6 (September 2002)
- v. 7 (October 2002)
- v. 8 (January 5, 2003)
- v. 9 (June 10, 2003)
- v. 10 (September 10, 2003)