Title: The sparrow and the hawk: Costa Rica and the United States during the rise of José Figueres
Published: Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1997
Description: xiv, 239 p. :ill. ; 23 cm.
Bibliography: p. 211-231
- United States -- Foreign relations -- Costa Rica
- Costa Rica -- Foreign relations -- United States
- Figueres Ferrer, José
- Ameringer, Charles D. "The Sparrow and the Hawk: Costa Rica and the United States During the Rise of Jose Figueres." Hispanic American Historical Review 78.1 (Feb 1998): 147
- Leonard, Thomas M. "The Sparrow and the Hawk: Costa Rica and the United States During the Rise of Jose Figueres." Journal of Latin American Studies 31.1 (Feb 1999): 221
- Pach, Chester. "The Sparrow and the Hawk: Costa Rica and the United States During the Rise of Jose Figueres." Journal of American History 85.n1 (June 1998): 301
Read: November 2000