Title: In the shadow of the giant: the making of Mexico’s Central America policy, 1876-1930
Published: Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1996
Description: xviii, 287 p. :ill. ; 24 cm.
Bibliography: p. 261-274
- Central America -- Foreign relations -- Mexico
- Mexico -- Foreign relations -- Central America
- Mexico -- Foreign relations -- 1867-1910
- Mexico -- Foreign relations -- 1910-1946
- Central America -- Foreign relations
- United States -- Relations
- Grieb, Kenneth J. "In the Shadow of the Giant: The Making of Mexico's Central America Policy, 1876/1930." The Historian 61.2 (Wntr 1999): 410
- Spenser, Daniela. "In the Shadow of the Giant: The Making of Mexico's Central American Policy, 1876-1930." Hispanic American Historical Review 78.n2 (May 1998): 368
- Langley, Lester D. "In the Shadow of the Giant: The Making of Mexico's Central America Policy, 1876-1930." American Historical Review 103.n2 (April 1998): 628
Read: July 2000