Title: The killer angels: a novel of the Civil War
Published: New York: Modern Library, 2004
Description: xx, 337 p. :ill. ; 21 cm.
- Pennsylvania -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Fiction
- Gettysburg, Battle of, Gettysburg, Pa., 1863 -- Fiction
- Historical fiction
- War stories
- Vietnam, Survivalism, and the Civil War: The use of History in Michael Shaara's The killer Angels and Charles Frazier's Cold Mountain. By: Grauke, Kevin. War, Literature & the Arts: An International Journal of the Humanities, 2002, Vol. 14 Issue 1/2, p45
- The Killer Angels: A case study of historical fiction in the social studies curriculum. By: Bilof, Edwin G., Social Studies, Jan/Feb96, Vol. 87, Issue 1
- THE KILLER ANGELS/GODS AND GENERALS/THE LAST FULL MEASURE. By: Pearl, Nancy, Library Journal, 9/1/2001, Vol. 126, Issue 14
Read: May 12, 2008